Blog posts tagged with "pde"

  • The native bnd Workspace and Maven

    NOTE: If you are looking information about the bnd-maven-plugin or bnd-export-maven-plugin this is the wrong article. Have a look here and here to find examples and the documentation of the plugins. Preamble This article will describe the following things: The difference between the aQute.bnd.repository.maven.provider.MavenBndRepository and the aQute.bnd.repository.maven.pom.provider.BndPomRepository How to deploy... [more]

  • RCP development with bnd

    About one and a half years ago we switched all our projects from using PDE together with Maven Tycho to bnd. The increase in development speed we reached was immense. Additionally bnd automatically pushed us towards writing better OSGi software. Over the time we experienced a lot of fallacies PDE... [more]

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