Gecko Vaadin 23 OSGi Whiteboard released

We have released the first version of the OSGi Vaadin 23 Whitebaord at Maven Central. This implementation enables you to register Vaadin Components as OSGi service. These services are bound to a Vaadin Whiteboard, that then hosts the Vaadin appliation.

The dependencies can be found using these GAV ccordinates:


The first two dependencies are just needed to run an OSGi whiteboard based Vaadin UI. The generator dependency is used in bndtools to generate the frontend code.

The Github project also contain an example project, that can be used with bndtools in the Eclipse IDE.

The further development for Vaadin 23 takes place at:

main - branch:

develop - branch:

The current state of the project is build with bndtools with Gradle. We currently work on a maven based project shape. You can find it here:

Please note, that there currently also is an unreleased version of the OSGi Whiteboard for Vaadin 14 at:


by Mark Hoffmann